Sunday, December 13, 2009
Blackout:3rd Installment of Sophie's Journal
I sighed, blackouts are just party poopers! My mom was busy getting candles and my dad brought them to the living room. But I realized something as well, we had the lights on, computers typing, ipods playing Christmas music in the background, Peter's ds telling him that Princess Peach was in danger and he should use Mario to defeat Bowser, and lastly, the tv that was blaring the "best of both worlds" from the Hannah Montana episode I was watching.
Why do we use so much power? This blackout would not have happen in Washington since we've never had any power outages in since 11 years!This blackout made me think more about the power we use and how we do take it for granted in the United States. Most Zambians live like this, with no light, power, and a stove to cook their food for dinner. But what if one day, there was no power in lets say Washington? Well, you couldn't work on your computers at work and the electronic coffee maker you always use won't work and on your way to work, you will have to stop by McDonalds and get their (yuck) coffee.
Think about it, we do take power as just a normal everyday thing. Maybe we may run out of power some day; people will lose their jobs, you couldn't fix dinner and you will have to go all out with candles, cook over fires, and just go to work come back, have dinner and go to sleep! No entertainment! Okay maybe I'm exaggerating on that old fashioned stuff but just keep in mind this week and throughout Christmas about the power you are using and if you can cut off a bit of power you are using. you could cut off some of the power by:
Turning off the lights when you go out of the room
Read more books than watch TV!
Only use the computer when you have to
Cut down on using the straighteners and curlers for everyday! just only for special occasions!
Pass this entry on to anybody you feel is using tons of power! We need to act now and save the environment while we can! Act now! Don't wait!
By Sophie Kautz
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
We Don't Just Use Cars....
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Honoring Our Amazing Caregivers
This year, there were a couple of disappointments: KK, the first democratically elected President (who attended the event last year), was unable to attend due to a last minute, out of country meeting conflict. In addition, the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Health, who is a good friend of our program, also backed out.
So, we started the event about 45 minutes late (there is a time honored tradition that we ALWAYS wait for the guest of honor even if he/she is late and in this case, KK's administrative guy was the one we were waiting for). In spite of those disappointments, I realized that we were really there to honor and appreciate the Caregivers, not our special political speakers!
Two Caregivers - a man and a woman (60% of the caregivers are women, 40 are men) spoke on behalf of the 20,000 Caregivers...In their first audition - they were so-so, but on the day of the event, they were FANTASTIC!!! (My photos are NOT fantastic, so sorry they're a bit blurry, my little point and shoot can only carry me so far).
She's come a long way since then and now she is caring for people who can barely stand because of their illness...and is strongly advocating for people to get tested and if they are found to be positive, to join a support group to help dimish the stigma against AIDS.
Jackson Zongwe has an amazing story. He's been a caregiver for a while - and has taken a lot of the trainings we provide, even the one that said not to drink alcohol (since he's taking anti-retroviral medications). He had been in the habit of drinking - and engaging in "risky behavior" when one of his clients saw him and asked him why he was drinking. He suddenly realized that he's telling his clients not to drink - and here he was out drinking... He was ashamed enough to change his lifestyle right then.
The training he received as a caregiver saved his life -- he has stopped the drinking and the risky behaviour and, says that his marriage was saved. He is now healthy and a great caregiver.
God uses all kinds of people in this world to help one another...." and the second command is like it: love your neighbors as yourself"...these caregivers are living that out every day!
It is a blessing to know these wonderful, gifted people who serve out the kindness of their hearts to those affected and infected by HIV and AIDS.
To the Lower Zambezi - Again!
We were celebrating our friend, Linda's birthday (she's exactly 6 days younger than me!). John caught his first (of many) tiger fish...and the guys were fishing maniacs - out the door at 6am back at 6pm...all catch and release fishing.
Tourists canoe down the Zambezi - WITH the current - and the boats drag the canoes back to the lodges.
Our tent/bungalow. Two twin beds with a bathroom at the back. Sophie and I stayed together and Peter with John since there wasn't a room big enough for the four of us. At night, we heard and watched, the local hippo - Frankton as he walked around in front of our tent snorting and chewing on the grass.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Who is this girl?
Every parent must go through this transformation day she's your little girl - and the next day, she's _________ (fill in the blank, depending on the day).
Sophie is definitely getting older, but she's still the same sweet girl she's always been!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Auntie Lisa comes for a visit!
While we were in Livingstone (the family came down when I was down there for work), we got to see the zebras that roam around by the hotel. We saw the zebras walk by while we were in our hotel room, and ran outside to take a picture with them... Lisa didn't want to get any closer - even though I was egging her on!
Water Crisis!!
The other morning, I woke up, turned on the tap - and NO water! Not even a dribble!
The only place to find water was in our I trudged outside with a bucket, filled it with cold, slightly chlorinated water, and proceeded to take my "bath."
This experience made me think of the millions of people who don't have access to clean water - and can't just walk a few feet to a pool. Often, they have to walk miles to a water source and it could be a dirty, silty stream that has had people bathing in it, cattle walking through it and pooping in it ... As a result, they are very susceptible to serious illnesses which often lead to death.
But they need water to live - and if the dirty water source is the only place to get it, they use it. Even when they know that they have to boil the water to use it to drink, if they can't afford, or find, firewood to burn, they don't treat the dirty water... and they get sick.
Poverty creates a vicious cycle with limited choices.
What we have, that we take for granted:
Water coming out of a tap, in our homes - no need to walk long distances carrying heavy buckets of water on our heads
There is hot water AND cold water - no need to burn wood or charcoal to heat the water.
Water is clean enough to drink.
Plenty of water to use for household purposes and gardening - no need to ration it to avoid spending more hours to get water.
p.s. The issue with our lack of water was a broken water pump (to pump the water up to our holding tank - the big green tank seen in the photo). There were a couple of times when I had to take the "pool water" bath, but the pump finally got fixed.
Sophie Playing Basketball!
As an after school activity, Sophie signed up for basketball.. Their team played once in a tournament (where they lost both games!), but they had fun! Bottom photo is of Sophie and two of her good friends Tino (left, from Zimbabwe) and Ava (right, from the U.S.)
Beautiful Flame Trees
I wish my photos could do justice to the beautiful flame trees with their bright orange flowers, with yellow stamens. This tree belongs to our neighbor, but hangs over our driveway and I'm glad that I'm not the one who has to sweep up all the sticky flowers as they fall down!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Celebrity Trip!
"The camera is rolling! Get out of the shot! Stop talking! Your shadow is in the way!" - Some of the many comments thrown my way during the shoot.
Yvonne is a lovely lady and very professional. It was amazing to see the reaction of folks - in the city and in the villages - who knew her (I had no idea who she was). Even at the hotel, people were asking to have their picture taken with her. She's probably a bigger star than most American celebrities.
Yvonne (left) being greeted by the Chiefteness.
The first formal stop in any village is to the Chief to let him/her know the purpose of your trip and why you're in their village. Chiefs or chieftenesses are traditional leaders who have received the title from their parents. The chiefs are the ones who manage the land and determine who will get land and at what price. They are generally looked upon as the primary leader (over the government heads).
At the village we visited in Livingstone, there is an unusual chief arrangement. The chief was historically a woman, but in the mid 1900's it was decided that men should rule alongside the woman chief, so they now have joint "management." Here we are being received by the chiefteness in her royal office.
Meeting Hupa - the REAL Star!
The Village That Received Nets
During the planting season, the people move closer to the river to take advantage of the water to plant their crops. Since there are so many elephants in the area who eat and destroy their crops, they sleep outside by their crops in little thatched roof pole structures - without mosquito nets. They need to protect their crops because without the harvest later in the year, they would have to wait another year before they have food - creating hunger and often, illness.
Here, after getting their nets, they show their excitement.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Mosquito Net Distribution
These events are meant to bring good PR to World Vision - and involve the government, but for me, the best part is the lives that are changed as a result of receiving the nets... see the next post.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Braces for Sophie and Peter
There is a Zimbabwean orthodontist who was educated at BU. He comes, with his staff, from Harare to Zambia every four-six weeks...and his office is PACKED every time we go, so he has plenty of business!
Even in one short week, we can already see a difference in their teeth!!!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Some Wonderful People I've Met
Life is difficult and complicated - there are no easy fixes, but there are amazing people who soldier on in spite of setbacks and day to day struggles. Their faith is amazing and God is in their midst. Always a good reminder to me that you don't need "the stuff" to know God is alive!
On my most recent trip, I was in one of World Vision's project areas talking with people who had received gifts from our Gift Catalog. In most cases, the gifts - seeds, goats, cows, etc. made an incredible difference for the recipients. It's easy for us to write the $50 check (or put it on our credit card for the miles) - but for the people I met, it's been a life saver - literally.
Often, the poor aren't looking for a hand out (although there are certainly many who are), but most just need a little oomph to help them take the next step up out of poverty.
This is Maria who is 67 years old and lives with her two adult children along with their four children - AND six grandchildren whose parents (her children) have passed away. In 2001, she received four goats from World Vision. Those goats multiplied and and she was able to sell some to help pay for school fees and supplies for her grandchildren.
Then, all her goats died from a disease and she hasn't had that safety net to fall back on. Here, she's standing with her grandson, Stephen, 10 years old, who is a WV sponsored child. When asked if he's gotten any letters from his sponsor, he said no, but asked that we greet his sponsor and "let them know that I am happy here. I need a small bike, some shoes and a uniform." For all of you who are child sponsors, WRITE TO YOUR SPONSORED CHILD!
Aggrey (57) and his wife Eunice (50, don't you love the way she's holding my hand?) have an amazing story. In 2001, they received seeds from World Vision and Aggrey was trained in seed multiplication, crop rotation, irrigation and growing better crops.
Before he received the seeds and training from World Vision they were often out of food. "I didn't know anything about agroforestry and I didn't know that plants could add nuturients to the soil. Before we got the seeds, we were malnourished and were unable to send our children to school. We ate one meal a day (usally wild roots and fruit) but now we eat three to four meals a day and can eat meat once or twice a week."
With his skills, Aggrey became a lead farmer who trains other farmers to grow higher yield crops.
His success has allowed him to send four of his daughters to college (which is a rarity to send so many children to college - and to choose to send daughters is exemplary!). The trickle down effect is that his children will earn higher incomes, provide better nutrition and education for their chidlren, and soon that cycle of poverty will be broken for generations to come...simply from the gift of seeds.
Pretty amazing, isnt it?
Winifreda, above, is single (her husband left her 18 years ago) and she has six children 14 - 29 years old. She is standing in front of the garden she keeps where she received vegetable seeds in 2007 from World Vision.
"Before, we would eat only once a day and had no money to buy seed, so I was grateful to World Vision for the seed."
When she was able to buy seed, it was usually of poor quality and she said, "I would do my best but the results wouldn't be good enough for the work I did. Before I would only harvest 3-4 50kg bags of maize (corn), now I harvest 18-20 bags (with the WV seed)."
"Now my children are happy because they don't lack for anything."
Rachel (r) sitting in front of her house with four of her five children. Her family used to suffer from malaria on a regular basis but when she received mosquito nets in 2007, her children have not suffered from malaria since she got the nets. She couldn't afford to buy a net (that costs about $5) - and had to choose between buying a net OR buying food for her family.
When I asked to see the nets (to make sure they were hung correctly), they confessed that one of the nets was being used as a door (see below)! But that once the rainy season starts - when the mosquitos come out - they'll hang it over their bed. I just learned that even if the nets aren't over the bed, the chemical that is on the nets helps keep the mosquitos away and if there is 60% coverage, it will eventually stop malaria.
Here's the net being used as a door!
Amazing people - wonderful lives...and I am blessed to have met them. I know our paths will cross again soon!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Fishing - Again - on the Lower Zambezi
Fun time with the Bekkers!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Sophie's Journal:Bicycle Ambulances
"Sophie, come on! We're going to be late!," my mom yelled. I really don't know why she yells if she has a sore throat, but I guess you need your lungs when you're a mother!
We were going to this place where my mom was taking pictures of how caregivers help their clients get to the hospital if they were sick or even pregnant (and ready to deliver their baby!).
One of the most common methods of transportation - the wheelbarrow.
RAPIDS Caregivers are volunteer men and women who are trained and equipped by RAPIDS (the USAID funded program my mom is working for) who help people affected by HIV/AIDS in their communities. They help take care of them by using a caregiver kit and giving them medicine, cleaning them, and even providing transport!
When we got there, they set up for the pictures then told a little bit about how they transport their clients to the hospital. They said they either use a wheelbarrow, a bicycle, or their own back!
My mom was taking the pictures because she neede to show why caregivers need bicycle ambulances: metal structures attached to the bicycle seat post. They are long enough that patients can lay down and there is a canopy to cover them from the sun or rain (and give them privacy) and is good for things like carrying a baby or in this case a sick patient to the hospital faster!
As my mom was taking photos of how they get their clients to the hospital, I was taking this all in from start to finish! We are very fortunate to have cars when most Zambians, and many people around the world, are lucky to have a bike or wheelbarrow. We can get to places faster with a car than a wheelbarrow. One of the caregivers told us that one client was almost too late for the hospital and almost gave birth to twins on the side of the road!!!
But most Zambians don't even have ANY transport! My dad told me that once he gave a ride to a kid my age (12). The boy said he had to walk 4 miles to school and back 4 miles home! Yes, you sure would get your exercise, but you'd be tired once you were at school! Bottom line of this entry is that we are very fortunate to have a car, bike, or even both! But don't take your
car or bike because you might end up with a wheel barrow instead!
Editor/Miyon's note: First of all, in the interest of accuracy in reporting, I don't think I "yelled" at Sophie; I probably expressed some urgency, but "yelling"???!!...ok, there, now it's off my chest!
Secondly, it was great having Sophie along with me on this venture. I wasn't sure how much she was absorbing, but I can see that she got it!
In Zambia, transporting people and getting places is mostly done by walking. People walk everywhere (and there aren't any sidewalks!). There are very few cars, bikes, or motorcycles (there are more in Lusaka, but very few in the rural areas). Those are all too expensive for a country where 75% of the people live on less than $1 a day.
So they walk. The Caregivers said that walking and holding up a patient was the most common way to get people to the clinic. Because the Caregivers are known in their communities, people come to them at all hours of the day or night and ask them to help with transportation. One lady mentioned that as a woman she has diffculty hoisting people up onto the bike rack especially if there is no one there to help. Often the patient and the bike fall over!
Everyday things that we take for granted are struggles here.
Yet it's a blessing when Sophie - and now you - can better understand issues that the face the poor. And, it's a blessing that organizations like World Vision and committed Caregivers are working to care for the vulnerable in their communites.