Here is the speech Monica gave at our National Caregivers Appreciation Day. She used to get ill whenever she she thought about caring for someone with HIV/AIDS...and then she became a caregiver and her whole perspective changed. Above, she is shown with two of her clients she visits on a regular basis.
Ladies and gentlemen
On this caregivers day, I Monica Hangoma from RAPIDS I would like to say it is my pleasure and honor to be accorded this rare opportunity to talk on behalf of my fellow caregivers across Zambia.
I would like to thank RAPIDS for their training given to us, we achieved more knowledge. To USAID for funding the program; because of their support we are here praising today and also to the government of Zambia for their partnership at community and local level.
In 2000, my elder sister was sick for a long period. Family members believed that she was bewitched. They took her to many different traditional healers. That is when the sickness was worse.
My aunt came and took her for VCT (voluntary counseling and testing) where she was tested and found HIV positive. She started taking drugs and was cared for and monitored by a stranger -- a caregiver. However, because she started the drugs late, the medication did not respond well and as a result, she died in 2001.
I was touched by the help of the so-called caregiver. I thought, if this woman can take care of someone who is not even her relative, why can’t I do likewise? That same year, I became a caregiver.
Before I didn't want to mix with sick people, I used to feel nausea and vomiting. I was also afraid of getting sick.
My role is to provide care and support to people in the community who are suffering from HIV/AIDS and related diseases. I teach them how to prevent themselves from getting the disease. I encourage them to go for VCT, provide spiritual support, material support, physical support, cleaning, taking them to the health centers and seeing that they are taking their medicine at the right time.
And I have known how to love every human being sick or poor, and keep their secrets. Now, I am a friend to sick people. Without love you can’t be a caregiver, with love every thing is possible. For my clients, they are loved and cared for hence their lives are prolonged.
Therefore I would like to thank all those who are supporting the work of a caregiver; may the good Lord bless you all.
Thank you.