John took the camera to his work one day so we can show you some of the guys he's working with - and what they're making.
Organizing a new shipment of rosewood.
Our most skilled worker Sylvester
Emanuel straightening a piece of teak on the jointer
Banda preparing a board for gluing.
Simon and Harrison assembling a kitchen cabinet.
John Dindy installing hardware for a set of kitchen drawwers.
Sylvester, Banda, and John.
Sylvester installing pullout shelves.

Sylvester and Emanuel cleaning up. They sell the wood shavings to horse owners who use it to put in the bottoms of their horse stalls - recyling at work.

At a recent show (the Diplomatic Spouses Luncheon), John gets surrounded by a group of chefs admirinig their rosewood butcher block table.

The First Lady of Zambia stopped by the booth to admire the handiwork. Scott, John's partner and Peter are in the front.